Pittsburgh Diamonds Blog
April 17th, 2014
Jenny McCarthy, the high-energy co-host of “The View,” thrilled her studio audience and three million viewers at home yesterday when she showed off a huge yellow sapphire-and-diamond ring and announced she was engaged to New Kids On The Block singer Donnie Wahlberg.


"I just got engaged," she screamed as she flashed her ring, jumped up and down and hugged co-hosts Sherri Shepherd and Barbara Walters. “It’s a yellow sapphire!”


The 41-year-old actress and TV personality said that Wahlberg, 44, had proposed to her over the weekend with the beautiful ring that features a square-cut yellow sapphire surrounded by a halo of white diamonds set on a white-metal band. On Monday, the Sun-Times reported the couple had been shopping for engagement rings in New York City.

McCarthy had hinted to her 1.15 million Twitter followers early Wednesday morning that something special was going to happen on the show.

At about 8 a.m. she tweeted, "Good morning my friends... Between us... I would watch #theview today. Just Sayn. Xxoo." Then, right before the live show was about to air, she tweeted again, “Turn on #theview It's gonna be a goooood one. : )”

McCarthy described how Wahlberg’s romantic marriage proposal included a big assist from McCarthy’s 11-year-old son, Evan.

“I was sitting with Donnie… and he went into the other room and out came Evan with a card that said “Will” and he handed it to me,” she recounted.

Then Evan walked back into the other room and returned with a second card that read, “You.”

At that point, McCarthy knew what was coming next and she started to cry.

Evan returned a third time with a card that was supposed to say “Marry” but it was spelled “Mary.”

"The last time, Donnie came out with Evan, and Donnie's shirt said, 'Me' with a question mark... and he got down on his knee," she told the panel as she attempted to hold back happy tears.

"Of course, I said 'Yes,'" she related. "In that moment Evan yelled, 'I have another dad!' and it made all of us cry."


Finally, Walhberg, who was hiding offstage, came onto the set to sneak up on McCarthy from behind and give her bear hug and then a sweet kiss.


Wahlberg, who is a singer, actor and film producer, is preparing to mark the 30th anniversary of New Kids On The Block in Las Vegas in July.

The couple is considering a wedding date some time in August 2015. This will be the second marriage for Walhberg and McCarthy.