Pittsburgh Diamonds Blog
September 23rd, 2013
Tallying more than a million views in four days, Matthew Gencarella’s amazing tandem wakeboard marriage proposal video is one of the coolest of all time.


While zipping across a lake on a tandem wakeboard, the former gymnast demonstrated tremendous agility — and romantic creativity — by lowering himself to one knee and proposing to his girlfriend, Brynn Hathaway.


In the video one can see the surprised Hathaway nodding her head and saying, “Yes.” At the moment she accepted his proposal, the couple simultaneously released the tow bar and joyously launched themselves backwards into Lake Hayden. A videographer in the side boat captured the precious moment.


“As a man you have one opportunity to do the biggest surprise of your life, your proposal,” Gencarella wrote. “This was my way of creating that once-in-a-lifetime, never-been-done, proposal and having some fun in the process… Brynn Hathaway, I love you!!!”

Gencarella noted that Lake Hayden, near their hometown of Couer d’Alene, Idaho, occupies a special place in couple’s hearts.

“The lake and family and friends are centerpieces of our lives, so with our best friends on the boat, and our parents in a side boat, I pulled it off,” he wrote. “She said, ‘Yes,’ and I didn’t lose the ring! Thank you for sharing this amazing moment!”

If you’re wondering what happened to the ring, it turns out that Gencarella was clever enough to save that part of the proposal for the surer footing of the boat deck.


As Gencarella placed the diamond engagement ring on his fiancée’s finger, the look on Hathaway’s face is heartwarming and priceless. The must-see video is titled “The Proposal.” Click below to share the experience.