Pittsburgh Diamonds Blog
October 7th, 2014
One Direction’s handsome heartthrob Harry Styles quite literally stopped the show in Atlanta’s Georgia Dome last Wednesday night to assist a young man with a very memorable marriage proposal.


"I have a friend in the audience now," the 20-year-old Styles told his fans in the packed arena. "He's called Bradley. There he is. Bradley, would you like to bring your girlfriend up this way?"


At that moment the crowd buzzed with anticipation as the Jumbotron focused in on 28-year-old Bradley Chisenhall and his girlfriend, Christine Kozlowski, a avid One Direction fan who was celebrating her 26th birthday.


Forgoing Styles’ invitation to bring his girlfriend on stage, Chisenhall pivoted right where he was standing, dropped to one knee and pulled a diamond ring out of his pocket. His astonished girlfriend, a former Miss Mississippi, accepted Chisenhall’s proposal and jumped into his arms.

“She said yes!” Styles reported from the stage as thousands of admiring fans screamed with delight, half wishing they were in Kozlowski’s shoes.

Thousands of smartphones captured the moment from every angle, and within seconds, the Twittersphere blew up with the news and pics of the “1D proposal.”

"If you'd waited, I was gonna get you up on stage," Styles told the couple. "I was very nervous today. I didn't want to mess it up."


Not only did the couple enjoy an epic marriage proposal, but the One Direction singer asked to meet with Chisenhall and Kozlowski after the show on the band’s tour bus to congratulate them and wish them luck.


Kozlowski, who won the title of Miss Mississippi in 2008 and now works as a pageant coach, singer and actress, was still pinching herself the day after the event. On Twitter, she posted, “Just woke up. That was real. #1DProposal #luckiestgirlever #blessed #myprincecharming.”


On Instagram, she posted a photo of her new engagement ring with the caption, “My first ring selfie! Still in much disbelief and shock but so incredibly grateful for what is happening in my life.”

Chisenhall, a singer and songwriter whose stage name is Bradley Mitchell, worked very hard to make his fiancée’s dreams come true. On September 25, he created a new Twitter account (so his girlfriend would be less likely to see the correspondence) and sent a message to all five band members requesting assistance with his proposal.


“Help me propose to my girlfriend tomorrow night at the show,” he wrote.

He also sought the help of One Direction fans, asking them to tweet their support to #1Dproposal. At least 1,200 fans did just that.

But, Chisenhall revealed on Facebook that when he reached out to Styles’ mom, the pieces started to come together. “[Styles] contacted me soon after to plan it out," he wrote.


The considerate and kind-hearted Styles also helped the couple get home safely after learning about some problems they were having with their car. On Facebook, Chisenhall wrote, “We had some car troubles and Harry made sure we made it home OK. Awesome dude."

The One Direction proposal story caught the attention of Good Morning America, E! News and Inside Edition, and the 40-second YouTube video documenting the event has gone viral, with more than 440,000 views. Check it out here…

Jumbotron screen captures via YouTube.