Pittsburgh Diamonds Blog
June 15th, 2015
The online Museum of Named Diamonds — which showcases famous diamonds such as the Cullinan, Centenary and Orlov — has opened a Personal Diamond wing where everyday people from around the world can post their precious gems and the stories behind them.


The founders of the Museum of Named Diamonds believe that all diamonds are endowed by a combination of unique and emotional attributes that render them special and worthy of museum display.

The Museum acts as the official registry for recording and showcasing all the world’s named diamonds. Now, everyday people can name and submit their diamonds to become part of the permanent record.


Visitors to NamedDiamonds.org will see highlight boxes showing the world’s most well known diamonds — such as the Hope — juxtaposed with lesser-known "personal" diamonds, such as Strawberry Harvest.

On the site, Koert and Connie V., who recently celebrated their 70th anniversary, tell the story of a diamond they named Strawberry Harvest. When Koert was only 14 years old, he began saving money he earned picking strawberries during the summer. At the age of 20 he used that money to buy a .34-carat “perfect” diamond from an Iowa jeweler so he could propose to Connie, the love of his life.


Years later, when Koert had more money, he asked Connie if she’d like a bigger diamond. “No way,” she said. “You bought me this stone with your strawberry money. That makes it more special than any other diamond could ever be.”

Koert and Connie’s story along with a poetic verse and a graphic illustration makes up a single page on the NamedDiamonds.org site. A screen capture is shown above. The direct link to the page is here…

The official naming of a Personal Diamond takes place at an affiliated website called Nymify.com, which acts as the “curator” for the museum. The cost to showcase a diamond and commission original artwork to represent it is $99, or $69 each when purchased in quantities of 10 or more. Customers can also post photos of their engagement rings, or closeups on the actual diamond.

Those interested in participating will have the option of choosing from suggested names, such as “Palace of the Wind” and “Shadow of Andromeda,” or picking their own.

The founders of the Museum of Named Diamonds believe that their new concept adds a fifth “C” to the traditional “4Cs” of diamonds. Beyond the clarity, color, cut and carat weight is the new “C” — Connection, which represents the thought and emotion behind the diamond.

“Every diamond has a story, which connects it on some level to a relationship,” museum director and CEO Krista Olson told JCK.com. “Grading labs record gemological data. The museum records emotions, memories and the excitement behind the diamonds themselves. We believe these elements are no less important than the 4Cs.”

Olsen also anticipates that Named Diamonds will change the dynamic of how diamonds are shared on social media. Now, newly engaged women can share the diamond’s name, verse, original artwork, gem image and the story behind it. The sharing is made even easier via the social media plug-ins that are part of the website’s functionality.

Images: Screen captures via NamedDiamonds.org