Pittsburgh Diamonds Blog
July 2nd, 2013
Performing in a massive soccer venue in Fortaleza, Brazil, former Beatle Paul McCartney rocked the world of a young couple when he paused his show to call them from the audience and emcee their on-stage marriage proposal.


McCartney, who has composed love songs for five decades, was clearly moved by a young fan who held aloft a brightly lettered homemade sign that politely asked the living legend to allow him to propose to his girlfriend onstage.

The sign read, "Paul, I want to propose to my love onstage. Would you bless us?" Breaking from the setlist, McCartney told his fans what they were about to see…


"Listen, we have a special thing tonight. One of the signs in the audience was for a boy and a girl. And the boy said he wants to propose to his girlfriend onstage,” McCartney said. “What do you think? Yeah?" Then McCartney gave the thumbs-up sign and said, "We gotta do it."

The couple came onstage and, clearly nervous, the groom-to-be needed a little prodding from McCartney to get into the proper stance to pop the question. Finally, with one knee on the stage, the young man pulled out a ring box and delivered the proposal in Portuguese. The girlfriend said, “Yes,” accepted the engagement ring and embraced her new fiancé.


Caught up in the moment, McCartney jumped in for a three-way hug. After the hug, the bride-to-be gave an extra little kiss to her favorite Beatle.

The 71-year-old McCartney, whose Brazilian show is part of his three-continent “Out There” tour that continues through the summer, seemed to relish the moment.

After 50 years of touring, one would assume that McCartney has seen it all, but that's apparently not true. As the ecstatic couple exited the stage, McCartney collecting himself, grabbed the microphone, turned to the audience and said, “Oh yeah, that's a first."

Watch the video of this romantic and memorable event, below.